Using Datto RMM and BCDR tools from Autotask


Users for whom the Datto RMM Integration and the Advanced Datto Integration are active have access to a host of Datto RMM features right from Autotask.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN  If you have not done so already, refer to The Advanced Datto BCDR Integration and The Advanced Datto RMM Integration to learn how to set up communication between your Autotask, Datto BCDR, and RMM platforms before attempting these steps.

On the right-click and context menus of tickets generated from RMM alerts, as well as on devices created from RMM devices, you will see a sub-menu called Datto RMM. If the device is a Datto backup appliance, you'll see the Datto BCDR menu option instead.

If you've enabled the Datto RMM Device insights panel, you'll see it on the Ticket and Device pages.

If you haven't already enabled device insights, you can do so from the Ticket Categories and Device Categories pages in Autotask. For more information, refer to Managing categories.

How to...