
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes an Autotask Opportunity. An opportunity is a forecasted piece of business: that is, an identifiable prospect that needs a product or service and offers a potential sale, project, or contract. Autotask Opportunities allow you to describe the amount, due date, and probability of expected sales revenue from an opportunity, track the progress of the opportunity, and generate sales forecasts.

You can track Opportunities for all account types and track multiple opportunities for each account. Opportunities can also be associated with one or more Quotes or eQuotes generated in Autotask. You add and manage Opportunities in Autotask in the CRM module.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: Opportunity
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:

Use AccountNote to create opportunity notes via the API

The API does not include an OpportunityNote entity because, in Autotask, Opportunities do not have their own associated notes. To associate a note with an Opportunity via the API, use the AccountNote entity. When creating the AccountNote, set the OpporunityID and ActionType values. The Opportunity ID must reference an active Opportunity associated with the Account referenced by the Account ID. Refer to AccountNote.

Conditions and requirements


  • This entity's support for the VARStreet integration sunset with the release of Autotask 2022.2.
  • The Opportunity entity can have no more than 200 UDFs. Refer to UserDefinedFieldDefinition.
  • When an opportunity is created via the API, the default values for all fields stored on the selected opportunity category will be applied.
  • An Opportunity with multiple Quotes associated must have one Quote with Quote.PrimaryQuote = True.
  • ExternalQuoteNumber for all Quotes associated with the same Opportunity must be unique.
  • On update and create:
    If the values of any Cost and/or Revenue billing periods (that is, Onetime, Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannual, and Yearly; for example, OnetimeCost or OnetimeRevenue) are provided on create, or have changed on update, the total cost (Opportunity.Cost) and/or total revenue (Opportunity.Amount) will be recalculated and any Cost or Amount passed in will be ignored.

IMPORTANT  When the API receives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the API will update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. All text formatting and images will be lost. Refer to The Rich Text editor to learn more.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements

IMPORTANT  The Create Date in the API is called the Start Date in the UI.


IMPORTANT  The DateStamp in the API is the actual create date of the opportunity.

AccountID The AccountID reference by Opportunity.ContactID must = Opportunity.AccountID, that is, the Opportunity Contact must be associated with the same Account as the Opportunity.
BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID cannot be cleared via the API. If not included in the response, the current value will remain unchanged.
BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID cannot be updated to an inactive BusinessDivisionSubdivision.
ClosedDate Supply date-only values for this field. The API will automatically remove time values.
ContactID ContactID must reference an Active Autotask Contact associated with the Account referenced by the AccountID field or from the ParentAccount of the Account referenced by the Quote AccountID.
Description This field not required, regardless of opportunity category "requiredness" settings.
LostDate If Status is changed to Lost and a LostDate is supplied, then the supplied LostDate value will remain.
If Status is changed to Lost and a LostDate is not supplied, then the LostDate is set to UtcNow.
If Status is changed to something other than Lost, then the LostDate field is cleared, even if a value is supplied.
If Status has not changed, Status is Lost, and a LostDate value is supplied, then the supplied LostDate value will remain.
If Status has not changed, Status is not Lost, and a LostDate value is supplied, then the supplied LostDate value will be ignored (existing LostDate value will remain).
OnetimeRevenue Invoice.Amount (Revenue) value for Opportunities created via Web Services are written to the One-Time Revenue column in the database. If an Opportunity is later updated via Web Services, any new value provided for Amount will be written to the One-Time Amount column and any values in the Monthly Amount, Quarterly Amount, Semi-Annual Amount, and Yearly Amount database columns will be cleared.



The "required" status and available list value settings for fields stored on the opportunity's opportunity category will NOT be respected when creating or editing opportunities in the API.

If no opportunity category is specified, the system default opportunity category is used.

The default values for all fields stored on the utilized opportunity category are applied. If you specify a value for a field that is also defaulted by the opportunity category, your specified value is used.

OwnerResourceID OwnerResourceID must reference an Active Autotask Resource with security level access to the CRM module.

Resource Type for Owner resourceThe ownerResourceID must reference an active, standard Autotask resource with security level access to the CRM module. A resource with a non-standard security level, for example, API user (API only), is not a valid selection for ownerResourceID.

Probability Probability must be >= 0 and <= 100.
ProjectedCloseDate ProjectedCloseDate must be >= CreateDate. Supply date-only values for this field. The API will automatically remove time values.

The ProjectedLiveDate has been relabeled as "PromisedFulfillmentDate."

IMPORTANT  We will keep both the "ProjectedLiveDate" and "PromisedFulfillmentDate" fields in the API for one API revision, and will retire "ProjectedLiveDate" in the following revision.

RevenueSpread If no RevenueSpreadUnit is supplied, this value will be discarded.
RevenueSpreadUnit If this field is empty and no RevenueSpread value is supplied, this value will default to "all at once."
Status If the status is changed to Lost through the UI or API, the LostDate field is updated to the current Date and Time. If the Lost status is changed to any other status, the field is cleared. For legacy opportunities, the Lost Date is updated to the last time the opportunity status was set to lost.
ThroughDate Supply date-only values for this field. The API will automatically remove time values.
UseQuoteTotals UseQuoteTotals can only = "True" if an Autotask Quote entity references this Opportunity.
UseQuoteTotals UseQuoteTotals will evaluate against Opportunity.PrimaryQuote.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
AccountID Account Object ID integer   Account  
AdvancedField1 Number Of Users double        
AdvancedField2 Setup Fee double        
AdvancedField3 Hourly Cost double        
AdvancedField4 Daily Cost double        
AdvancedField5 Monthly Cost double        
Amount Amount double      
AssessmentScore Assessment Score double      
Barriers Barriers string (500)        
BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID Business Division Subdivision ID integer     Opportunity  
ClosedDate Closed Date datetime        
ContactID Contact Object ID integer     Contact  
Cost Cost double      
CreateDate Create Date datetime      


Creator Resource ID





DateStamp Date Stamp datetime      
Description Description string (8,000)        
HelpNeeded Help Needed string (500)        
id Object ID long    


Impersonator Creator Resource ID





LastActivity Last Activity datetime      
LeadReferral Lead Referral Object ID integer      
LossReason Loss Reason integer      
LossReasonDetail Loss Reason Detail string (500)        
LostDate Lost Date datetime        
Market Market string (500)        
MonthlyCost Monthly Cost double        
MonthlyRevenue Monthly Revenue double        
NextStep Next Step string (500)        
OnetimeCost One-Time Cost double        
OnetimeRevenue One-Time Revenue double        
OpportunityCategoryID Opportunity Category ID integer      
OwnerResourceID Creator Object ID integer   Resource  
PrimaryCompetitor Primary Competitor integer      
Probability Probability integer      
ProductID Product Object ID integer     Product  
ProjectedCloseDate Projected Close datetime      
PromisedFulfillmentDate Promised Fulfillment Date datetime        
PromotionName Promotion Name string (50)        
QuarterlyCost Quarterly Cost double        
QuarterlyRevenue Quarterly Revenue double        
Rating opportunity_rating_id integer      
RelationshipAssessmentScore Relationship Assessment Score double      
RevenueSpread Spread Revenue Recognition Value integer        
RevenueSpreadUnit Spread Revenue Recognition Unit string (6)      
SalesOrderID Sales Order ID integer   SalesOrder  
SalesProcessPercentComplete Sales Process Percent Complete double      
SemiannualCost Semi-Annual Cost double        
SemiannualRevenue Semi-Annual Revenue double        
Stage Stage Object ID integer    
Status Status integer    
TechnicalAssessmentScore Technical Assessment Score double      
ThroughDate Through Date datetime        
Title Name string (128)      
TotalAmountMonths number_months_for_estimating_total_profit integer        
UseQuoteTotals Use Quote Total Amount boolean      
WinReason Win Reason integer      
WinReasonDetail Win Reason Detail string (500)        
YearlyCost Yearly Cost double        
Yearly Revenue Yearly Revenue double