
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes an instance of hardware, software, or a material item in Autotask that a company sells or supports for customers. You can "install" Products to customer Accounts and once installed, users can support Products through Service Desk tickets, bill for products, and manage the products through the customer Account. With the Autotask Inventory module, Products can be added to inventory as Inventory Items.

In Autotask, Administrators manage Products through the Admin module: Products and Services > Products > Products. If the Inventory module is enabled, users with the correct permission can manage Products through Inventory > Manage Products.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: Product
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:

Conditions and requirements


  • The Product entity can have no more than 100 UDFs. Refer to UserDefinedFieldDefinition.
  • System products cannot be updated.
  • To query, you must have View permission and (Admin > Products OR Inventory module access (site installed module access only))
  • To create/update, you must have View and Create permission and (Admin > Products OR Inventory module access (site installed module access only))

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements



  • If no value is provided, this field will default to Standard.

  • You cannot create more than 100 products with a billing type of "Per Contact" or 100 products with a billing type of "Per Asset."
  • PeriodType must be Monthly if supplying a BillingType not equal to Standard.
  • PriceCostMethod must be equal to Standard (Flat) if the BillingType is equal to Standard.



  • The default value for DoesNotRequireProcurement = False.
  • DoesNotRequireProcurement must be equal to true if BillingType is not equal to standard.



  • If no value is provided, this field will default to Standard.
  • If the product's Price/Cost Method is Standard, Product Tiers cannot be created.
  • Serialized must be equal to false if BillingType is not equal to Standard.

  • The API will return an error if it receives a request to change this value when there is existing inventory.


This entity field will return no information if the user account making the query does not have sufficient privileges to view cost data in the Autotask UI. Additionally, if an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for the field even if they are blank or would be otherwise required.

UnitCost, UnitPrice, MSRP, and MarkupRate The UnitCost, UnitPrice, MSRP, and MarkupRate fields will only be updated if the PriceCostMethod = Standard. Otherwise, they will be null.

Field definitions

NOTE  To accommodate changes in the Autotask database and UI while maintaining compatibility within the API, Product allocation code, type 7, now maps to Material (cost) allocation code, type 4. Pre-existing type 7 codes have been added to type 4 codes because Product allocation codes have been eliminated from the database. Existing queries for type 7 will be redirected to type 4.

To maintain compatibility with existing integrations, Product.ProductAllocationCodeID is still required and will accept either type 7 or type 4 codes.

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
Active Active boolean      
BillingType Billing Type integer    
CostAllocationCodeID Cost Allocation Code ID integer     AllocationCode  


Default Asset Category ID






DefaultVendorID Vendor Account ID integer     Account  
Description Product Description string (8000)        
DoesNotRequireProcurement Does Not Require Procurement boolean        


Eligible for RMA






ExternalProductID External ID string (50)        
id ProductID long    
ImpersonatorCreatorResourceID Impersonator Creator Resource ID integer   Resource


InternalProductID Internal Product ID string (50)        
Link Product Link string (500)        
ManufacturerName Manufacturer Account Name string (100)        
ManufacturerProductName Manufacturer Product Number string (50)        
MarkupRate markup_rate double      
MSRP MSRP double        
Name Product Name string (1000)      
PeriodType Period Type string (10)      
PriceCostMethod Price Cost Method integer    
ProductAllocationCodeID Allocation Code ID integer   AllocationCode  
ProductCategory Product Category integer      
Serialized Is Serialized boolean      
SKU Product SKU string (50)        
UnitCost Unit Cost double        
UnitPrice Unit Price double        
VendorProductNumber Vendor Product Number string (50)