
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity describes a transaction where a specified quantity of one InventoryItem entity is transferred from the item’s currently assigned InventoryLocation to another InventoryLocation. It also describes a note added when a user manually updates an inventory item's On Hand quantity. These "audit" notes may or may not be required.

NOTE  The InventoryTransfer entity does not describe transactions where an InventoryItem is associated with an Account as an Asset.

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: InventoryTransfer
Can Create:
Can Update:  
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements

In Autotask, Transfer Inventory Items permission is required to create or update an InventoryTransfer.

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
FromLocationID FromLocationID must = InventoryLocationID of a valid InventoryItem.
Notes, UpdateNote During create, if no value is supplied for these fields, the API will store a value of "Updated using Web Services API." Otherwise, the API will concatenate the values of both fields.
ProductID ProductID must = ProductID of a valid InventoryItem.

QuantityTransferred must be <= QuantityOnHand.

QuantityTransferred must be > 0.


For products that track a serial number:

  • SerialNumber is required.
  • SerialNumber must reference a valid Serial Number (InventoryItemSerialNumber.SerialNumber).
  • InventoryItemSerialNumber.InventoryItemID must reference a valid Inventory Item with InventoryLocationID and ProductID = InventoryTransfer.FromLocationID and InventoryTransfer.ProductID.
  • QuantityTransferred must = 1.

ToLocationID cannot be = to FromLocationID.

ToLocationID must reference an active Inventory Location.

  • If an Inventory Item's On Hand quantity is updated by the API, an update note is written. The Update Reason will be "Updated using Web Services API." The Updated By User value will be the user that performed the update (via the API).
  • Field definitions

    Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
    FromLocationID Transfer From Inventory Location ID long InventoryLocation  
    id Inventory Transfer ID long    
    Notes Notes string (4000)      
    ProductID Product ID long Product  
    QuantityTransferred Quantity Transferred integer    
    SerialNumber Serial Number string (100)      
    ToLocationID Transfer To Inventory Location ID long InventoryLocation  
    TransferByResourceID Transfer By Resource ID integer   Resource  
    TransferDate Transfer Date datetime      
    UpdateNote Update Note string (500)