
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

The AllocationCode entity describes an Autotask Allocation Code (called Billing Code in the UI). An allocation code represents a billing item category. There are six types of allocation codes: Work Types, Material, Internal Time, Expense Categories, Recurring Contract Service, and Milestone. Administrators add and manage allocation codes through the Admin module (Admin >Site Setup > Billing Codes).

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: AllocationCode
Can Create:  
Can Update:  
Can Query:
Can Delete:  
Can Have UDFs:  

Fields that cannot be queried

The following fields from this entity will return an error when queried.

  • Taxable

Conditions and requirements


In addition to fields that are always read-only, the following fields on the RMA [RMA] system material code are not editable via the API:

  • Active
  • AllocationCodeType
  • Department
  • Description
  • IsExcludedFromNewContracts
  • MarkupRate
  • Type
  • UnitCost
  • UnitPrice
  • UseType

Special field attributes

Field Conditions and Requirements
AfterHoursWorkType This field contains the ID of the AllocationCode that is set as this AllocationCode's after-hours work type. It may never contain a value for AllocationCodes of Types other than 1 (work types).
AllocationCodeType (Deprecated) This field has been deprecated. We cannot remove the field because that could break existing integrations.
Users will still be able to query the field as expected (no functionality change there), but we will no longer return any data. We have also removed any values from the picklist (the picklist for the field will now be empty).
GeneralLedgerCode GeneralLedgerCode is now a picklist. Previously the GeneralLedgerCode field returned only the GeneralLedgerCode id. The API did not provide an option to connect the id with the name that appears in the UI drop-down menu. The getFieldInfo() call will now return the GeneralLedgerCode picklist value and label value (GeneralLedgerCode name).
Taxable As of May 2013, AllocationCode no longer determines whether or not an item is taxable. A QuoteItem or BillingItem is taxable when the item is associated with both a TaxRegion and TaxCategory and they equal the TaxRegion and TaxCategory fields of a Tax entity with a value > 0. Values passed to AllocationCode.Taxable will be ignored and when the field is queried the empty value "" will be returned.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
Active Active boolean      
AfterHoursWorkType After Hours Work Type integer     AllocationCode  
AllocationCodeType Allocation Code Type integer      
Department Department ID integer        
Description Description string (500)        
ExternalNumber Number string (100)        
GeneralLedgerCode General Ledger Code integer      
id id long    
IsExcludedFromNewContracts Is Excluded From New Contracts boolean        
MarkupRate Markup Rate double      
Name Name string (200)        
Taxable Taxable boolean        
TaxCategoryID Tax Category ID integer     TaxCategory
Type Type integer      
UnitCost Unit Cost double      
UnitPrice Unit Price double      
UseType Use Type integer      

AllocationCode use types

The following table describes the values in the UseType field picklist. These values determine how an AllocationCode entity can be used in Autotask.

NOTE   If your company has enabled the Autotask System Setting that requires a Work Type on a Ticket, the Type 1 AllocationCode is required to create or update a ticket

UseType Used for: UI Location
1 Tickets (Labor) > Admin > Features and Settings > Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing > Billing Codes > Work Types tab
2 Expenses > Admin > Features and Settings > Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing > Billing Codes > Expense Categories tab
3 Regular (Internal) Time > Admin > Features and Settings > Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing > Billing Codes > Internal Time tab
4 Material (RMA, Ticket, Project, and Contracts Costs) > Admin > Features and Settings > Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing > Billing Codes > Material tab
5 Services > Admin > Features and Settings > Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing > Billing Codes > Service tab
6 Milestones > Admin > Features and Settings > Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing > Billing Codes > Milestone tab
7 Products To accommodate changes in the Autotask UI while maintaining data consistency within the API, Product allocation code, type 7, now maps to Material code, type 4. Existing type 7 codes have been moved to type 4. When querying for product cost codes (type 7), query for type 4.