Automated billing product associations

On the Automated Billing Product Associations page, you can set up and manage association rules that automate the selection of a billing product for devices. This powerful feature can substantially reduce or eliminate the need to manually map devices to billing products.

It works a little bit like a single-purpose workflow rule that fires when a device is added to your Autotask instance. The conditions of active associations are compared to the new device that is being created. If the attributes of the device match the conditions specified in the association rule, the device will be associated with the billing product.

Association rules are run whenever devices are created, either by an integration vendor or manually by a user. They are not applied when a device is edited.

Limits to the number of associations

You can create up to 150 association. This limit is calculated by adding up active and inactive associations. You should delete associations that you are no longer using.

When you reach the maximum number of associations, a dialog box will let you know that you will need to delete some unused associations before you can proceed.

Tool buttons

Tool buttons above the table allow you to:


A row context menu lets you edit, inactivate and delete the selected association.

Option Description


You can edit the association of devices to billing products at any time. All settings can be edited.


Inactive associations count against the maximum number of associations (150), but they are not run when a device is created.


You can freely delete associations. Keep in mind that this will "orphan" the devices from a billing perspective, and you may have to manually select a different billing product. Unless you are changing the billing mechanism altogether, consider editing the association.

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