Bottom of quote settings
The Bottom of Quote section contains the content that will display once, at the bottom of the last page of the quote, and is recommended for information such as tax information and the quote grand total. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
This section typically contains quote detail notes, total taxes, and the total amount quoted. You use the HTML editor to place and style text and variables. Refer to The HTML editor.
Typical quote variables to use in this section of the quote are Quote: Comment, Quote:Tax Detail, Quote:Tax, and Quote: Grand Total.
The Tax Display Settings, including whether or not to calculate taxes separately for each period type, display the tax category, display separate line items for each tax, and display tax category superscript for items, are set on the Quote Template Properties page. These settings were previously set on the Edit Quote page. Refer to Editing quote template properties.
NOTE If you want to keep the "bottom of quote" content together on the same page, you can add the style "page‑break‑inside: avoid" to the HTML markup. For details refer to The HTML editor.