Erasing (redacting) contacts and resources

IMPORTANT  For our customers in the European Union, this feature will support the "right to be forgotten" that your users and contacts have under the General Data Protection Regulation and similar regulations.

About erasure

Autotask prevents the deletion of resources, once created, and it can be difficult (though not impossible) to delete customer contacts that have links to tickets, to-dos, etc.

The Erase (Redact) feature allows users with the required permissions to remove all identifying information from the Contact or Resource record.

IMPORTANT  Your name and the reason you enter for the erasure are tracked on the Privacy Action History page and cannot be deleted.

When you select the Erase (Redact) option on the Edit Resource page or on the Edit Contact page, the Erasure Confirmation page opens. The Erasure Confirmation page:

  • Reminds you of the implications of erasure
  • Confirms the details of the contact or resource
  • Lists all Autotask entities that are associated with the resource or contact, and separately any active or open entities you may want to reassign before you erase the current contact or resource
  • Requires you to enter a reason for erasing the contact or resource

Once the erasure is complete, you will have no way to attribute items to the contact or resource.

How to...

IMPORTANT  Erasures cannot be undone.